Even though it wasn’t a flat day on the sea, we still had some awesome sunny conditions! The voyage towards our dive sight and back was very entertaining for most of the guests on board, however some did mention that their bums were not equipped to handle all of the bumps :)! The dive site itself offered the perfect protection from the swell and wind conditions, well done to the crew! It was great that the waiting time was virtually zero until the sharks arrived; our visibility today was very variable. At times we had visibility all the way down to the sea bed (5 meters) and other times it turned more murky, unfortunately there are always factors beyond our control. The sharks were giving some lovely passes by the cage, but they were reluctant to come up and pose for my camera today, hence the limited number of shark pics today! I’ll get you next time sharkies…PS. the skate on the last pic was released unharmed.