Guest comment: “Really fun, had a great time! Mummy got seasick but that’s fine. The crew were really nice and very knowledgeable and kind!” Chandi Desai.
“What a great day! Thank you so much! Nicola and crew are awesome, thanx!” Chantelle Copeland.
Location: Joubertsdam
Water Temperature: 13.0’C
Depth: 10.3m
Visibility: 1m
Number of Sharks: 11
Conditions: Wind with no cloud cover.
We had several large families on board today, it must be due to the fact that today was Sunday! It is really great to see how an entire family can find enjoyment together on a shark diving trip, both young and old! The parents were full of screams, even more so than the kids :)! It was completely understandable due to the fact that we had some large 4 meter sharks around the cage. Well done guys for maintaining your composure! The wind was interfering with our visibility in the water today, which made it even more exciting for the guys in the cage. You never know when a shark is going to swim in front of you and yell surprise! All and all it was a very wholesome trip…
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